We Are

SFK Philippines

The SFK, also known as the Study Fund for Philippine Children Foundation, Inc., is a non-stock and non-profit organization that operates with the goal of providing educational grants and scholarships to the poorest-of-the-poor children and young individuals in the Philippines.

Over the past 35 years, SFK has consistently supported and aided its beneficiaries in achieving their academic aspirations and obtaining degrees. With the Foundation's assistance, more than 230 students have successfully graduated from elementary to post-graduate levels.

Let Them

Speak For Us

Let Them

Speak For Us

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Consistent, Genuine, and Intimate. These are three words I can use to describe how SFK has been for the past 11 years of my experience as their scholar. Ever since I stepped into SFK's office in the year 2012 as a grade six student who got flustered when asked what seven times eight is during the interview with Sir Dan (Danilo Longasa), which made me cry, SFK has consistently supported me in my education. They have not only helped me until I finally graduated from college but also during the review period for my licensure exam. As a fatherless student, the monthly allowances I received from SFK have been a huge help in sustaining my studies. What touches me the most about the SFK family is that it isn't called 'family' for no reason. Our board members and staff call us by our names and show genuine interest not just in our academics but also in the situation of our families.

During the annual Christmas party, I always look forward to hearing the testimonies of SFK alumni. I am inspired by their experiences and have promised myself that someday, I will share my own success story. SFK has supported me every step of the way, and now I am living my dream.

I am Grace Lozada Sinfuego, a registered medical technologist, and a proud SFK alumna.

Since 1987, more than 230 Filipino students who had been supported by the SFK from elementary to college had graduated with a college degree or a diploma in vocational training in different universities and colleges.

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Our Annual Report


The annual report for 2022 features several inspiring stories that showcase the community's shared dedication to empowering disadvantaged children and youth. In summary, the SFK Foundation recognizes the importance of building a strong community and partnering with those who share their mission and values. By working together and adapting to new challenges, they can continue to support and empower vulnerable children and youth, and ultimately create a better future for all.

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SFK In 2021

For the year 2021, despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, SFK assisted the education of fifty one (51) student scholars in elementary, high school and college who are enrolled in different public schools and state universities in Metro Manila with higher concentration in Quezon City areas.

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Our Founder

Dr. Philippus J.R. Zalsman Wielenga, also known as Lolo Joop, was a generous man who committed his life to serving indigent Filipino children and youth in the Philippines. He founded SFK in 1987 and devoted his life to it until his passing in 2021.

His legacy and contributions will be forever etched and commemorated in the history of SFK and in the lives of the people whom he profoundly touched.

Latest Update

March 13, 2024

SFK’s Team Building Activity of Scholars 2024

The Foundation successfully organized a one-day Team Building Activity for scholars on... read more

March 13, 2024

SFK's Annual Thanksgiving Party 2023

On December 9, 2023, SFK's eagerly anticipated Annual Thanksgivi... read more

March 29, 2023

Bright Kids

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