SFK's Annual Thanksgiving Party 2023

March 13, 2024

On December 9, 2023, SFK's eagerly anticipated Annual Thanksgiving and Christmas party unfolded as planned, drawing a robust turnout from the Board of Trustees, staff members, scholars, alumni, and numerous guests. The collective involvement of these individuals played a pivotal role in the event's remarkable success.

Taking place at the Social Hall of San Francisco High School from 8 am to 4 pm, the festivities were graced by inspirational speeches from the SFK-Netherlands Board of Trustees, led by Mr. Fons Lemmens, President, and Atty. Evangelista, President of SFK-Philippines. The event was further elevated by a heartfelt rendition of "The Prayer" performed by Mr. Lazaro Dichosa and Ms. Princess Cruz, captivating the audience and infusing the atmosphere with joy.

The stage came alive with dynamic and skillful performances by SFK scholars, earning accolades not only from the judges but also from the enthusiastic crowd. Four scholar groups captivated the audience with their talents during the group presentations, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended. A total of thirty-eight (38) scholars actively participated in the festivities, departing with cherished memories and a bounty of gifts and surprises. Each scholar received a Noche Buena package, cash gifts, and prizes, along with a sack of rice generously provided by Mrs. Leonicia Llarena, a Board Member.

The triumph of this event is attributed to the generosity and benevolence of our partners, donors, and sponsors, particularly our dedicated alumni, who steadfastly support this annual celebration. Gratitude is also extended to our alumni and donors abroad, notably our friends in Norway, whose steadfast contributions have sustained us throughout the years. This year, SFK's party raised a total of Php 236,556.12. With total expenses amounting to Php 190,457.45, a surplus fund of Php 46,098.67 was generated, contributing to SFK's contingency fund.

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